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Station Report

Geoid velocity added

To correct for the vertical drift between reference frames, the velocity of the geoid height (VN) is now calculated and incorporated into the calculation of the orthometric height. View documentation to learn more.

Site Identification

Name Province NTS map sheet Unique Number Provincial Identifier Network
95K0003 Quebec 031H05 95K0003 GPS

Station Coordinates

Unless otherwise noted, all displayed uncertainties are computed at the 68% (1-sigma) confidence level.

Changing these fields will auto-update the station coordinate information below.

The velocities are interpolated from the national Velocity Grid version 7.0.

h (metres)
Vφ (mm/y)
Vλ (mm/y)
Vh (mm/y)
X (metres)
Y (metres)
Z (metres)
Vx (mm/y)
Vy (mm/y)
Vz (mm/y)
Easting (metres)
Northing (metres)
h (metres)
N (metres)
H (metres)
Published date Project ID 2001-01-01       M01707
VN (mm/year)
VH (mm/year)
Equipot. of geoid model (W0, m2s-2)

Vertical Data (levelling)

Use the value of H from the coordinates above.

Vertical Datum Separation

Use the value of H from the coordinates above.

Station Marker

Marker Type Inspected in Established by Status Comments
Self centering plate 1995 Que. ministere de l'energie et des ressources (service de la géodésie) Good


Accessible by passenger car or light truck and a walk of less than 50 m.

Dorval from the city of montreal drive west on highway #20. Take the "dorval airport" exit to a traffic circle. Exit the traffic circle on to dorval ave that runs to the south for 0.6 km. Turn right (west) onto dawson ave for 1.1 km to a park complex that contains a soccer field, baseball field and tennis courts. The station is located just north of the parking lot near the baseball field. Marked by a forced centre threaded bolt embedded in the top of a concrete pillar.

Use of Canadian Geodetic Survey products and data is subject to the Open Government Licence - Canada

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