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Station Report

Geoid velocity added

To correct for the vertical drift between reference frames, the velocity of the geoid height (VN) is now calculated and incorporated into the calculation of the orthometric height. View documentation to learn more.

Site Identification

Name Province NTS map sheet Unique Number Provincial Identifier Network
ROCKY BUTTE Alberta 082I09 26615 CCRHM64

Horizontal Data

Latitude Longitude Horizontal Datum Order Method Published Year
50° 35' 6.5569" 112° 24' 37.7976" NAD83 Consult agency (unique condition) Multiple methods 1994-01-01 00:00:00.0
Zone Easting (metres) Northing (metres) Scale
12 400147.808 5604643.803 0.99972

Vertical Data (levelling)

Approximate Elevation: 918 m

Vertical Datum Separation

Approximate Elevation: 918 m

Station Marker

Marker Type Inspected in Established by Status Comments
Permanent agency marker 1968 Canadian geodetic survey - nrcan Good


Loc about 22.5 km se of the town of bassano, on a very prominent knoll surmounted by a rock pile near the ne corner of sec 3-19-18-w4m. From the town of majorville follow a road e 8 km, then s on a prairie trail for 4 km to a power line. Turn e and follow the power line for 9.7 km, from here the station can be seen about 3.2 km to the s on the highest point. An "indian rock cartwheel" is about 9 m s of the sta and 12.8 m w of a fence line. Station is marked by a brass geodetic triangulation tablet, stamped 26615, set in a standard concrete monument 30 cm above ground level.

Use of Canadian Geodetic Survey products and data is subject to the Open Government Licence - Canada

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